Friday 11 December 2015

The 50 Facts About Me Tag

Hey everyone! Since I am new to the whole blogging thing, I thought doing this tag will help you to get to know me a little better. Here goes nothing:

1) My full name is Kirsty May Davies.

2) I am 19 years old.

3) I love in Kent, England.

4) I am just 5ft 1inches tall (or should I say small) which people never left me forget!

5) I was raised as a Catholic and used to go to Church every Sunday with my Nan when I was little.

6) I work as an Administrator in London.

7) My first pet was a dog named Harry, who ran away from home and I was devastated!

8) I am a lefty.

9) Probably 99.9% of my money is spent on food (I have a problem).

10) I met my current boyfriend Zach when I was 14 on a skiing trip to Austria.

11) My favourite meal is fajitas, which is also pretty much the only thing I can cook haha!

12) I really really really want to see the show 'Wicked' in the West End.

13) I had five best friends in Primary and we called ourselves the "six chicks"...awkward.

14) My first job was busing in a restaurant and I HATED it. Never again.

15) I passed my driving test when I was 18 on my second practical attempt.

16) I have two piercings; my ears and my belly button.

17) When I am having a bad day I watch one of Zoe Sugg's Youtube videos and I instantly feel better.

18) I have to wear long-distance glasses, as I'm blind as a bat to things that aren't directly in front of me!

19) I am an Aries.

20) I have never smoked.

21) I have a massive sweet tooth. I always have to have dessert or a sweet treat after dinner.

22) I have three older siblings; one sister and two brothers.

23) I would choose tea over coffee any day of the week! But it has to be with sugar (that sweet tooth again!).

24) I feel the cold very easily and I get sooo grumpy when I'm cold.

25) I love Christmas, who doesn't!

26) I cannot walk in high heels to save my life.

27) Dominos pizza is one of my true loves in life.

28) I have four nephews and two nieces.

29) I get very stressed out over little things.

30) I was bitten by a dog when I was younger, and I have the scar to prove it!

31) I love visiting the Isle of Wight, as I have many happy memories there with my family.

32) I had a really bad case of chicken pox when I was little over Christmas. I couldn't even open my presents!

33) I hate marmite and brussel sprouts.

34) I get really panicky when my phone charge is low and I have no way of charging it.

35) I can't ride a bike (don't laugh!).

36) My favourite TV show is Pretty Little Liars.

37) I enjoy a nice, hot bath with a Lush bath bomb.

38) My favourite bands when I was a child were Westlife and S Club 7.

39) My favourite time of year is Spring.

40) I got a full fringe cut four years ago to cover my mahoosive forehead.

41) I prefer a night in to a night out.

42) I can't stand to be in the same room as a spider. Someone always has to rescue me and put the spider outside.

43) I can only call a handful of people my true friends.

44) I think sandwiches are really boring.

45) I studied English Literature, Psychology and Sociology at A Level.

46) I can't watch a film late at night without falling asleep. It drives my boyfriend mental!

47) I have never broken a bone (touch wood).

48) I am useless at applying eyeliner.

49) I have been a bridesmaid five times.

50) I didn't think I'd be able to think of so many facts about me!

Nice to meet you!

Hey internet!

My name is Kirsty. I'm 19 years old and living in Kent in the UK. I have a lovely (yet slightly chaotic!) family, amazing friends, and am in a long-term relationship. I want to use this blog to share my views on life.
